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Support Your Club – Earn Money for Your Website or Football Club

LT-cash-for-clubs-A5Your supporters and website followers are our readers, which is why we want to give something back to you, the clubs / website owners.

Earn commission on all subscriptions with Late Tackle Magazine, the fan’s football magazine with a bit of a kick!

Late Tackle goes beyond the agenda-led reporting in the national media and covers subjects that fans care about. Included are pieces from some of Britain’s leading fanzines and internet blogs as well as experienced national newspaper sports journalists.

There are two ways to join our Affiliate programme, either by embedding code to your website, or by downloading our manual order form.

A) On-line Affiliate Programme:

It is simple to join our automated subscription programme if you are the website editor of your club. All you need to do is follow the 3 short steps :

1) Sign up for a free Affiliate Future Account:

2) Visit Late Tackle’s Affiliate programme either by finding us in the Affiliate Future Merchant Directory or by clicking here:

3) Then click on “Get Link” and choose website banner/s to embed on your website.

Once the banners are live on your website, you can then start promoting to your members and supporters straight away and begin earning 25% commission on all referred subscriptions.

B) Download A Manual Order Form:

Alternatively, you can download our form and collect orders and payment from individuals, deduct your club commission and return the form to us, along with a cheque made payable to The Football Paper Ltd, to the address provided on the form. The above commission rates apply.

Download the manual affiliate form here (PDF)

Promoting The Scheme:

To significantly drive your revenues, promote our subscriptions to your players, coaches, parents, officials, members, spectators, and fans via your website/s or club promotional or marketing literature (such as newsletters, emails, season ticket database, match day programmes etc).

To promote the Support Your Club initiative, download and print the following for placement in your changing rooms or club house:

Earn cash for your club posters and flyers (PDF): A4 Poster | A5 Flyer

Earn cash for your website or fanzine posters and flyers (PDF): A4 Poster | A5 Flyer

Sign up and start earning today!

To increase your revenue – please sign up to our other affiliate programmes:

For more information – please contact: [email protected]