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Late Tackle


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THE World Cup final showed us once again why we all love football.

With Lionel Messi pulling the strings, Argentina were cruising to victory against a France side playing like poor imitation clones (or clowns).

But just when it looked as though it was all over bar the shouting, Kylian Mbappe struck twice in no time at all to take us to extra-time and the rest, as they say, is history.

What a match and what a way for Messi to finally bag the game’s greatest prize.

We’ve got some reflections on the Qatar tournament in this edition, including the breakout players who have burst onto the scene.

But for those a bit tired of the World Cup, we’ve also got plenty of other material to whet the appetite.

Thanks, as always, go to all our contributors.

If you fancy writing for the magazine please get in touch. You can send submissions and ideas to latetackle@

We read everything that comes in and use the best stuff each issue. Please do remember that as the magazine is printed only every six weeks or so, we can’t use time-sensitive pieces.

That aside, the main rule is there are no rules: as long as your piece is about football (pretty crucial, that) and on the right side of legal, we’ll consider it for publication. We just want stuff that is interesting, funny, poignant, insightful, or maybe even all four.

We’d like to wish you, our readers, a great fesive period and we’ll hopefully see you all again in 2023. Thanks for your continued support.

send articles to: [email protected]


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EDITED BY: John Lyons

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