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Late Tackle


IT’S been wall-to-wall football this season – and now the Euros are upon us…

It’s going to be fascinating to see how the home nations fare. Can England build on their World Cup semi-final of 2018 or Wales on their last four run in Euro 2016?

Will Scotland rise to the occasion on their return to the big stage?

All will become clear over the coming weeks and let’s hope for a football jamboree to remember after the gloom of Covid last year forced the tournament to be postponed.

We look ahead to the Euros in this issue as well as taking a trip down memory lane, while there are features on a wide range of other topics, too.

We hope we’ve covered all the bases.

If you fancy writing for the magazine please get in touch. You can send submissions and ideas to [email protected]

We read everything that comes in and use the best stuff each issue.

Please do remember that as the magazine is printed only every six weeks or so, we can’t use timesensitive pieces.

That aside, the main rule is there are no rules: as long as your piece is about football (pretty crucial, that) and on the right side of legal, we’ll consider it for publication.

We just want stuff that is interesting, funny, poignant, insightful, or maybe even all four.

Thanks for your support, John Lyons, editor

SEND ARTICLES TO: [email protected]


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EDITED BY: John Lyons

DESIGNED BY: Oli Clements, George Parry Stoner, Nagib Tamusuza

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